Thursday, November 7, 2013

Praying Mantis Everywhere

After Volleyball on Thursday afternoon, Dad and I were digging in the garden, pruning the tomatoes when we came across a praying mantis home. I know that you might be thinking that it is not that exciting but I found it really exciting because the baby praying mantises were hatching out of their eggs. I looked and saw them and I thought. that is a big egg for so little amount of praying mantis but I looked around the pole and they were EVERYWHERE. 

Here are some images so you can see what I saw.

I have never seen this before!



  1. Wow Hannah!
    I can't believe you saw that many Praying Mantises.
    The photo's are really cool.
    I like the bottom one how they are scattering all over the pole.
    The top photo also is a good photo how they are in a egg.
    It's a great idea to have a post about that.
    It is really interesting.
    I like the captions to your photo's.
    I like how you are helping your dad.
    You must be daddy's little helper:)
    Were you scared when you first spotted the egg?
    Actually were you scared when they were actually hatching?
    Well if I were you, I would be kind of scared.
    I like how you have added a recording of your short paragraph.
    It is really clear for the person to hear.
    Were you going to make something with the tomatoes for dinner?
    You must be growing a lot of tomatoes.
    It looks as if you are in the photo's.
    If I was to pick a favorite caption I would choose the first one.
    Because you are actually being honest and saying that you haven't seen the praying mantis hatching before.
    Well, Hannah, you are a great post publisher.
    And you have written a interesting short paragraph.
    It doesn't really matter if it is short, at least it is interesting.
    Well done:)

  2. What a cool post, Hannah. I definitely found it interesting. The photos are great and you described it well. Your garden looks wonderful!


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